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The following are illustrations from the book "Ten Pigs Fiddling" by Ron Atlas, illustrated by Stacie Flint, and published by Amberwood Press. Contact Stacie if you are interested in original illustrations for your project.


From bees hooting like owls, fish oinking like pigs, and mice meowing like cats all the way to ten pigs fiddling, this inventive story is filled with color, numbers and sound to acquaint little ones with their imagination while learning. Please enjoy a closer look into this creative journey below.


Two Mice Meowing Like Cats

Three Cats Barking Like Dogs

Four Dogs Clucking Like Hens

Five Hens Honking Like Geese

Six Geese Buzzing Like a Bee

Seven Bees Hooting Like an Owl

Eight Owls Burping Like a Fish

Nine Fish Oinking Like a Pig

Ten Pigs Fiddling


Contact Stacie

Interested in hiring Stacie to create art for illustrations or cover work? Email Stacie using the contact form, or get in touch with Stacie at