Contact Stacie

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Read testimonials of Stacie’s work:

“Your work is REALLY wonderful - so original!"

Shelley Parriott
Woodstock, NY

"Highlights (of the exhibit) are...Stacie Flint's playful paintings of disheveled domestic scenes, infused with the mad, off-kilter energy of a Dr. Suess illustration..."

Lynn Woods
Kingston Times
Kingston, NY

"There's nothing like the eye-popping colors of Stacie Flint's naif paintings to liven up a dark nook in someone's home."

Frances Marion Platt
Almanac Weekly
Kingston, NY

“The positive nature of your art mixed with your unique style is a winning combination.”

George Lane Nitti
Warwick Valley Living Magazine
Warwick, NY

"Hi Stacie, We have found the perfect spot for "Seat in the Garden" in our vacation home. The picture's vibrant colors and feeling of serenity adds to the atmosphere that we have created in our getaway home that we think of as our "happy place." So glad we found it!"

Debbie and Ed Perkes

“You magically use a riot of color and swirling motion to create a sense of total peace."

Debbie Dolan Nevins
Westport, CT

"I decided I would really love to LIVE inside one of your paintings! Lovely as always..."

Maryann Bonito
Hyde Park, NY

"You are an educated outsider artist."

Arlene Becker
Rhinebeck, NY

"I just love your paintings!  I feel like I know everybody and all of the animals in each painting.  They are so full of heart, expression, and joy."

Janette Biel
Santa Rosa Beach, Florida

Contact Stacie